Author Guidelines

Original research papers, and case studies, related to the theme and sub-theme but not limited to the areas as specified are invited from the academic fraternity, including Faculty; Library and Information Science Professionals; Academicians; Researchers; Students; IT Professionals and IT Service Provider; Knowledge Management Professionals; Policy Makers & Archivists; Business and Corporate Professionals, etc. Contributors are encouraged to contribute on current and critical issues on Library and Information Science including innovative best practices.  The paper will be subjected to double-blind reviewed by the members of the editorial board and notified to the contributor(s) well in advance. The selected papers will be published in print book from Ess Ess Publishing and other reputed publishers.  The decision of the editorial committee is final in the selection of the abstract and full paper as well. Without registration fee, the paper will not be included in the pre-conference proceedings.

Author Guidelines for Paper Submission

The manuscripts must be based on original research related to the themes of the conference and an author is allowed to submit more than one manuscript. The manuscripts under consideration for publication at any publishing platforms (journal, conference/ book, etc.) or already published in any form will not be considered for publication in the proceedings. If the paper is not original, not authors’ own work, or submitted to other conferences or journals, or a copy of another paper, then the paper is removed at any point of time.  All the manuscripts should be submitted through email at

An abstract of approximately 250 words and maximum five keywords must be submitted on or before the abstract submission deadline.  The abstract should include the purpose of the study, methodology, findings, practical applications, and a statement of originality. The author (s) should send the full paper only after the abstract has been accepted.

The official language of the conference is English.  Hence, all the camera-ready manuscripts should be submitted in English, and presentations should be made in English. The maximum length of the manuscript should be limited to 5000-6000 words for full papers (inclusive of bibliography). All manuscripts must be in English and typewritten on A4-size papers in MS-Word format having font type: Times New Roman; size: 12, and line spacing: 1.5. All page margins are 1 inch. All the pages must be numbered consecutively.

Further, the manuscript should contain,

  • Title of the manuscript: font-12, bold, in capitals, centered

  • Author(s) name(s): font-12, bold, title case, left-justified;

  • Author(s) Affiliation(s): font-12, bold, title case, left-justified

  • Main Heading(s):font-12, bold, title case, left-justified 

  • Sub-Heading(s):font-12, in italics, bold, title case, left-justified (.g 1. First Level Heading 1.1 Second Level Heading 1.1.1 Third Level Heading..)

The manuscript should comprise the following sections:

  • Title should be concise and reflect the research work 

  • Author Affiliations: Author(s) name(s), designation(s) and affiliation(s) with official e-mail(s) and ORCID ID(s), etc. 

  • Abstract should not be more than 250 words (The abstract should focus on the  main  purpose of the  research, design/methodology/approach, results/key findings of the research, practical implications, the main conclusions and recommendations (if any).

  • Keywords: Maximum 5 keywords (should select the most appropriate for indexing and information retrieval)

  • Introduction: The introduction should cover the background of the study/ Literature review, the research problem and the objectives/ research questions, etc,

  • Methodology/Methods/Research Design: This section should include the research approaches/techniques adopted in conducting the research ( e.g the sample, sampling techniques, analytical techniques and tools, etc.)

  • Results and Discussion: This section should include the findings of the study, in-depth analysis and interpretation of the results of the study.

  • Conclusions and Recommendations: Author should mention the key findings of the study and offer practical recommendations based on the research’s outcome, suggestion for further exploration.

  • Acknowledgement: Author should give due acknowledgment for financial support and other main contributors of the research.

  • References: Authors should follow the 7th Edition of the APA Formatting and Referencing Guide for formatting, in-text citations, and referencing. Citing an irrelevant source for the purpose of artificially inflating citation metrics is considered a breach of ethics. Only cite relevant sources that are legitimately related to your paper.

  • Figures and Tables: Author (s) are desired to mention Figure captions should be below the figures; Table heads should appear above the tables; and Figures and tables must be inserted after they are cited in the text. Use the abbreviation “Fig.” in-text for figures. Pictures, tables, charts, and diagrams should be in black and white.

All submitted manuscripts will be subjected to double-blind peer review by a panel of experts to maintain the research quality standard. The paper should strictly adhere to the ethical policy of plagiarism. The author should ensure that the paper is free from plagiarism and undergo checking with the Turnitin/i-Thenticate plagiarism detection tool.  The paper should be less than 10%  of similarity, falling which it  will not be accepted for publishing in the conference. In case of acceptance, the author or one of the co-authors should be available to present the paper at the conference. A presenting author can only present one paper at the conference.

Authors are requested to sign a declaration copyright form agreeing on the paper is an original research work; it has not been published elsewhere earlier and/or it is not submitted elsewhere or under consideration for publication elsewhere and all the necessary permissions etc. have been obtained for using copyrighted materials used in the paper. The declaration form will be sent to the author once the final manuscript is accepted.

Conference proceedings/ Book in print Form will be given only to the participants/authors who register for the conference. If the paper is not original, not authors’ own work, or submitted to other conferences or journals, or a copy of another paper, then the paper is removed at any point of time.

Correspondence will be made only with the principal author. At least one of the authors (in case of joint authorship) must register for the conference on or before the last date of registration. A brief biographical note containing less than 50 words should be provided by the author (s).

All accepted papers presented during the conference will be published from the leading publishers having ISBN [eg. ESS ESS Publishing & others]  and also, selective papers based on reviewer recommendations shall also be published from the leading  publishing platforms such as Journal after receipt of registration fee.

The Conference Committee reserves the right to exclude any papers if in its opinion, or those of its advisers, any papers are considered inappropriate for publication.

Note: All the manuscripts should be submitted through email at: